Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Excess.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

It is funny how people are about the excess things in their lives. They will shove items in the garage, the attic, closets full to the max and they use very little of it. Yet try to get them to give any of it up and they act as though you are trying to steal a load of diamonds from them. 

They go out and buy more and more stuff to take the place of the stuff that they have "stored". My ex husband I swear is hoarder he has a basement nearly full of stuff. He has all the surfaces of every room in his house covered with stuff and will still go to auctions, and yard sales to buy even more. This is with the knowledge that he really has no more room for anything else. 

However if you suggest that he have a yard sale or donate to charity he will become very defensive, and will act as though you are the crazy one. I always use to tell him that if you haven't used something in a year then you will never use it again. This rule holds out more than it doesn't. He has things he hasn't seen in over seven years and yat he will tell you that he might need it sometime. 

Does this only occur here in the US, or is it a problem everywhere?

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