Sunday, December 14, 2008


I tell people all the time that I hate Christmas. But really when I think about it; it is not the holiday I hate. It is the atittudes of others during that time of the year. I can still remember a time when it was all about others and helping those less fortunate . When people genuinely cared for others not just themselves and those closest too them. 

Now it is all about what am I getting and how much is this or that person speanding on me. It is to hell with those less fortunate let someone else help them. It is amazing how many fall through the cracks every year simply because too many people can't be bothered. 

Now that our country is in the depths of a recession more people than ever will go without this holiday season. While others celebrate the birth of Christ and feel oh so blessed while others go hungry. 

Now I know that no one person can help everyone but each person can help one person and if one person would do just that there would be fewer going without. If you could even spare a little change in the Salvation Army buckets whenever you go to Wal-mart that would be at least something. 

However most won't do even that and a good deal look annoyed to see them even there.  Merry Christmas maybe but for who?

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