Friday, November 21, 2008

Blindness... The best place you download movies, music and more.

I was talking with a friend last night. We got into a somewhat  heated exchange about how to deal with racists. He was telling me that the world should take the stance of ignore them and they will go away. 

I tried to explain to him that this is not elementary school and they are not little children that will get bored and quit. This isn't childs play and if they can't get the attention they crave then they will do worse things until they can't be ignored anymore. He says that groups like the KKK and such no longer hold any sway with people. He evidently doesn't read the news.

The sad thing is in many ways he is just as blind as the racist and they count on people like him to keep them alive and well in the world.  As long as there are people like him in the world that turn a blind eye to facts then they can flourish. It is a sad thing that in the day and age people cannot see past the color of anothers skin. It is even sadder when small childrren have been taught against their nature to hate others for their color. 

It made me want to cry when I read in the news about children on play grounds talking about killing Obama. They don't yet understand why and they only know what their parents tell them. When will the world learn that we were all meant to live together? Not in my lifetime I am sure. 

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