Sunday, November 16, 2008

Since The Election.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

Every day now it seems I read where there is more threats against Obama and blacks in general. It is a sad thing to think that as advanced as this country is in so many areas that we are still so backwards when it comes to race. Whites are not the only ones that exhibit it, but we are in my opinion the worst. it is egotistical idiocy to think that just because your skin is pale that you are superior to any other human on earth.

I hear so many white supremacist talk about God and the Bible and they haven't a clue. For one thing Jesus was not white, he wasn't black either. His chosen people are not white either. However the fact does remain that He loves all color of people. He loves them because he made them.

As for races mixing just look to nature and you will find there if he agrees with us mixing. You cannot no matter what you do mix a cat and dog, a fox and a cow, a giraffe and an elephant, etc. You can mix a horse and a mule but the offspring is sterile and cannot produce young of it's own. This tells me God doesn't want those creatures mixing or making young. However humans of all races can and do mix and they have young that can produce more young of their own. That tells me God does approve of races mixing. In the Bible He told His people not to marry outsiders because he didn't want them worshipping false Gods. He didn't tell them that because of their race. For that matter they were all pretty much the same race anyway.

What racists do is prove that ignorance is alive and well in this country. You all really need to get a clue. Stop blaming all your problems on other people.

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