Saturday, November 15, 2008

Child Abandonment.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

In light of the problems created by Nebraska's too loosely worded child abandonment law I felt I had to share my thoughts.

It amazes and sickens me the number of parents ready to just throw their children away. Do you just wake up one morning and say to yourself I can't stand this kid? People wonder why the kids of today are as bad as they are. Well here is one good reason why. When you can't even count on your own parents to love and support you what can you count on.

I hear all kinds of excuses of they are out of control, I can't handle them, and I just didn't think it would be like this. If they are that out of control then your job to get them back into control, if you can't handle having kids then why on earth did you have them in the first place? You didn't seriously think raising children was easy did you?

I have had three children a son (who is now 28), and two daughters (26, and 24). My youngest died in infancy. My son was no huge challenge to raise though he did have his problems growing up. My daughter on the other hand nearly drove me to the brink of insanity on many occasions. She was hard to handle, mouthy, rebellious, told vicious lies, stole from us, and many other things. As hard as it was to raise her I never once looked at her with anything but love. Did she make me angry? Oh Yes many times but when all was said and done she was my child and I love her.

It took many years for her to straighten out and see that her actions effected more than herself. I believe though that is was that I never gave up on her. That I always reminded her that I loved no matter what that finally brought her around. I didn't let her get by with things there was always punishment for bad behavior and as she got older the punishments were harsher. But she always knew she was loved and wanted.

The simple bottom line is those laws were intended for newborns. Babies born to women that might harm them. Young scared girls that might otherwise throw their children in a dumpster.

By all means if you have children and you are struggling seek help there is no shame in that. However there is shame in throwing your kids away.

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