Friday, November 21, 2008

Blindness... The best place you download movies, music and more.

I was talking with a friend last night. We got into a somewhat  heated exchange about how to deal with racists. He was telling me that the world should take the stance of ignore them and they will go away. 

I tried to explain to him that this is not elementary school and they are not little children that will get bored and quit. This isn't childs play and if they can't get the attention they crave then they will do worse things until they can't be ignored anymore. He says that groups like the KKK and such no longer hold any sway with people. He evidently doesn't read the news.

The sad thing is in many ways he is just as blind as the racist and they count on people like him to keep them alive and well in the world.  As long as there are people like him in the world that turn a blind eye to facts then they can flourish. It is a sad thing that in the day and age people cannot see past the color of anothers skin. It is even sadder when small childrren have been taught against their nature to hate others for their color. 

It made me want to cry when I read in the news about children on play grounds talking about killing Obama. They don't yet understand why and they only know what their parents tell them. When will the world learn that we were all meant to live together? Not in my lifetime I am sure. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Medical Care.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

I was talking to someone from back home tonight and he was telling me that the one and only clinic they have there no longer will take medicade or medicare. Now my question is what are those people suppose to do for medical care. The closest town that has another clinic is about 21 miles away and a lot of those people don't even have cars.

I know some will say well there are people out there that abuse those programs and I agree there are. However that is no reason to punish those people that aren't. Things are hard for everyone right now so why make it even harder on those that have so little to begin with? A part of the doctors creed is to do no harm. In my opinion when they ignore those that need their help just because they cannot pay then they are indeed willingly doing a great deal of harm.

It use to be that people became doctors because of their desire to help and heal others. Now it is nothing more than a business and unless you make a lot of money and can afford insurance then you are not worth their time.

It makes me sick that in a country as advanced as ours there are still thousands of people that are forced to suffer, and even die because they cannot afford to see a doctor. Even if by chance they do get in to see a doctor the likeliness of being able to afford and treatment and/or medication is very unlikely.

I have nothing against us helping people in other countries I am all for it. However how about a some help for those that live right here at home? It is a sad thing when the government will hand out billions (or more) in medical aid in other countries but will not help their own people.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

More Thoughts.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

Back where I use to live there is this woman that I know I will call her Maude. This woman is a walking contradiction. She says she is not racist but says she cannot hold a black baby, or touch a black person. That if any of her kids married a black person she would disown them. Yet she voted for Obama and I was like Huh?????

I have always told her she is a racist and she says she isn't. Maybe she voted for Obama trying to make people believe she isn't a racist. Then again maybe she lied (that wouldn't surprise me in the least either).

The funny thing is that racism is taught. No child is born seeing color as bad. No child is born believing that their race is superior. People teach racism to make themselves seem important, that they have this great comic mission in life. When in fact all it does is prove how dumb they really are.

The ones who kept slaves did not really see blacks as the animals they claimed that they were or they wouldn't have raped the women (well maybe some would have). They mixed their seed with these women producing offspring. If these women were animals that was does that make the fathers of those children produced? So no they didn't really see them as animals. They saw them as a way to act out their evilness, they sadistic side, and more. This was their way of doing things they normally couldn't get away with.

It was also a way for these people to sit on their fat rich white asses and get richer off of people that were and are better than they will ever be. Racists call people of color the scum of the earth when in reality they are that scum. They cannot live as normal people in society so they had to blame it on someone because they aren't big enough to place the blame for their crappy lives where it belongs on themselves.

Since The Election.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

Every day now it seems I read where there is more threats against Obama and blacks in general. It is a sad thing to think that as advanced as this country is in so many areas that we are still so backwards when it comes to race. Whites are not the only ones that exhibit it, but we are in my opinion the worst. it is egotistical idiocy to think that just because your skin is pale that you are superior to any other human on earth.

I hear so many white supremacist talk about God and the Bible and they haven't a clue. For one thing Jesus was not white, he wasn't black either. His chosen people are not white either. However the fact does remain that He loves all color of people. He loves them because he made them.

As for races mixing just look to nature and you will find there if he agrees with us mixing. You cannot no matter what you do mix a cat and dog, a fox and a cow, a giraffe and an elephant, etc. You can mix a horse and a mule but the offspring is sterile and cannot produce young of it's own. This tells me God doesn't want those creatures mixing or making young. However humans of all races can and do mix and they have young that can produce more young of their own. That tells me God does approve of races mixing. In the Bible He told His people not to marry outsiders because he didn't want them worshipping false Gods. He didn't tell them that because of their race. For that matter they were all pretty much the same race anyway.

What racists do is prove that ignorance is alive and well in this country. You all really need to get a clue. Stop blaming all your problems on other people.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Child Abandonment.... The best place you download movies, music and more.

In light of the problems created by Nebraska's too loosely worded child abandonment law I felt I had to share my thoughts.

It amazes and sickens me the number of parents ready to just throw their children away. Do you just wake up one morning and say to yourself I can't stand this kid? People wonder why the kids of today are as bad as they are. Well here is one good reason why. When you can't even count on your own parents to love and support you what can you count on.

I hear all kinds of excuses of they are out of control, I can't handle them, and I just didn't think it would be like this. If they are that out of control then your job to get them back into control, if you can't handle having kids then why on earth did you have them in the first place? You didn't seriously think raising children was easy did you?

I have had three children a son (who is now 28), and two daughters (26, and 24). My youngest died in infancy. My son was no huge challenge to raise though he did have his problems growing up. My daughter on the other hand nearly drove me to the brink of insanity on many occasions. She was hard to handle, mouthy, rebellious, told vicious lies, stole from us, and many other things. As hard as it was to raise her I never once looked at her with anything but love. Did she make me angry? Oh Yes many times but when all was said and done she was my child and I love her.

It took many years for her to straighten out and see that her actions effected more than herself. I believe though that is was that I never gave up on her. That I always reminded her that I loved no matter what that finally brought her around. I didn't let her get by with things there was always punishment for bad behavior and as she got older the punishments were harsher. But she always knew she was loved and wanted.

The simple bottom line is those laws were intended for newborns. Babies born to women that might harm them. Young scared girls that might otherwise throw their children in a dumpster.

By all means if you have children and you are struggling seek help there is no shame in that. However there is shame in throwing your kids away.