Monday, March 9, 2009

One Of These Days..,

I will learn to keep my big mouth shut. I have two really close friends and we normally get a long really well together. Well at least until a few months ago. Now you have to understand we are all big girls and we do tease each other a lot. Normally it is not a problem and helps us to deal with our abundance of physical self. 

Well for some odd reason (I still haven't exactly determined why though I have theories) Friend S started being really nasty mean to friend D. She got so bad that for awhile me and friend D started avoiding her. Well then things sort of came to a head because friend D was really getting fed up ( I don't blame her a bit). So friend S e-mails me one day and ask me if I thought she was being a bully too friend D. So me in one of my dumber moments (plus the desire to stick up for friend D) I told her that yes she was. I gave her examples of why I thought so. 

That went over like a lead balloon and I didn't hear from her for a few days. She then tells me she didn't expect me to agree with her. That she hadn't really been ready to hear the truth blah, blah, blah. At this point I am ready to slam my head into a brick wall full force for being honest once again. 

So then tonight I wrote a blog on Myspace stating that I am no longer giving out advice or my opinions to anyone anymore. People don't want the truth they want you to say what they want to hear and I am Oh so sorry but that just isn't me. So I will just from now on and forever keep my damn mouth shut. 

Sooooooo then friend S sends me a reply stating that she had needed to hear that she wasn't mad and please don't abandon her. Once again I am leaning towards just smacking my head a wall as hard as I can because at this point I feel it would be far less painful. 

Sometimes I think hermits have the right idea...